By requesting services from Fernando Yordan LLC the customer sequentially agrees to the terms in this document. Fernando Yordan LLC is a company that provides professional services in the form of consultancy and software development. The scope of work can be different for each client and each project, and as such the customer agrees to review any documentation detailing the scope of work and costs associated with each project before commencing work. Fernando Yordan LLC will not seek compensation for any consultation, quote, discovery, or interview labeled as free, but will require signature and agreement of terms before commencing billable work.

Billing and payment terms can differ based on the client and project, but will be agreed upon by both Fernando Yordan LLC and the customer before commencing billable work.

Fernando Yordan LLC will not seek compensation for work performed outside of the specified agreement. In the case of providing an estimate, Fernando Yordan LLC will inform the client if the work will exceed the estimate and seek approval before continuing billable work. Fernando Yordan LLC reserves the right to give discounts to customers or change rates of future projects outside of any existing agreement.

Fernando Yordan LLC will do a best effort to ensure deliverables are high quality and inform the customer of any risks that Fernando Yordan LLC perceives as is the best interest of the customer. If the deliverable cannot be achieved as specified in the contract, Fernando Yordan LLC will inform the client and attempt to renegotiate the contract, if no agreement can be reached then Fernando Yordan LLC will not seek payment for any milestones not completed in the contract even if paid in advance.

Fernando Yordan LLC will not outsource any work without approval of the customer, and in general the customer will communicate directly with the developer / consultant performing the work.

The customer agrees to act in good faith and provide the necessary information to allow the fulfillment of any agreed upon contract.

Fernando Yordan LLC will inform the customer of any potential conflicts of interests and reserves the right to deny service to any customer if said service would jeopardise obligations to other clients or for compliance reasons to any relevant authority.